Monday 30 March 2015


Stretching hard is harmful and also it’s not stretching. Success resides in the regularity and in the moderation of the stretching. The aim is to decrease the tension of muscles, joints and tendons.

Before each workout, you must make soft stretches. Also, it is recommended to make mobilization exercises of ankles, knees and hips. After each workout, you must stretch in a specific way and more intense than before, it is very important for your muscle.

After each competition is advisable to stretch because you’ve spent much time running without stretching.  That causes huge muscle imbalances. These issues cause an increase of the risk of injury. Stretching should be a daily routine for all runners.
The daily routine of stretching has great benefits:
  •          Muscular tension decreases.
  •          The initial length of the muscle recovers.
  •          Blood circulation increases.
  •          Performance improves.
  •          Coordination of movements improves.

After of workout is advisable to stretch the following muscle groups:

  • Soleus
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Tibialis and peroneus
  • Quadriceps
  •  Biceps femoris

Here is a brief introduction with the reasons of why the stretch is advisable before and after workout or competition. In future editions we will detail the benefits which provide to stretch each muscle group.

I hope you like.

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