Wednesday 15 April 2015


In the following posts we’re starting to define the performance factors, which take part in the different runner’s performance.

Here we’ll explain what it is and why it's important the VO2max.

Literally it is the maximum quantity of oxygen that your body can consume. The higher it is the VO2max, the higher the capacities of the runner will be.

The VO2max in running is directly related with the aerobic power because of the cardiorespiratory demands the organism needs.

Physiologically talking, after training to improve your VO2max, muscles capillarity will increase for a better oxygen catchment. Also mitochondrion size will be higher; this will make a bigger energy production based on the aerobic system.


There are several ways, we mention them divided by sports man level here:

-For a very low level: Any intensity and method lower to the anaerobic threshold (AT).
-For a low level: at least 70% of VAM and AT as the maximum.
-For a medium level: interval training alternating 1 min. on 100% VAM, 1 min. on 50% VAM. Also possible with 2 min. and more interval trainings.
-For a high level: interval training running on 105-115% VAM, resting about the time you’ve been running and with total volume of 2500-4000m.

If you want more detailed information, don’t doubt to contact us!

Esteve Lanao J, Cejuela Anta R, Menéndez de Luarca Zumalacarregui J. Entrenamiento de la resistencia en deportes cíclicos. Libro Deportes. 2010. 171 - 193


  1. Interesting post, could you explain how to do a test to estimate VO2max?

  2. Thank you for your comment! Well... I guess so! I'll work on it within a few days
