Thursday 30 April 2015


The "running" is one of the most complete sports since it provides a good physical condition. However, not everyone can do this sport because it is necessary to train well. Here, there are some recommendations that it shows how the people can start to do this sport.

  • Use the right trainers for run, this means using comfortable trainers.
  • The clothes are another important factor, it is favorable to use sports clothes with which you feel comfortable, but it depends the time of year.
  • A chronometer and a heart rate monitor to control heart rhythm can be interesting tools we can use.
  • You must be hydrated before, during and after to run. This advice is one of the most important.
  • You should choose soft land for run because these surfaces will be better for you since it decreases the risk of injury.
  • When you start to run, it is recommended training two or three days a week with at least one day of rest.
  • It is recommended warming up at least seven or eight minutes before to start with the training.
  • It is recommended running inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth for 3-5 minutes.
  • It is advisable to stretch around fifteen minutes after of the training.

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