Tuesday 28 April 2015


The practice of sport is increasing. Nowadays, there are always a group of runners doing sport on the streets. There isn't limit age to go out for running. Sport creates a healthy and happy society. People have aims but the success is to be able to combine the daily routine with the workout.
Here you can see Paco Contreras. This older person ran the Medium Marathon Álora (Málaga) last month. He is an extreme example of overcoming. He shows to everybody that only it is necessary to feel like going out to run.
Paco is seventy-six years old. Paco runs with the same shirt that when he went to work. Also, he runs with a cap and a cane. When he began to do sport, everybody told him he was crazy. He said to stay in the bar it was worse than jogging. Now, some these people do sport. He said: "we must move to look after our body"
Paco finished the 17th edition of the Medium Marathon Álora, with a record of 2 hours, 28 minutes and 44 seconds.

He is a great example. You have to think that you haven't limits. So, you can put on your trainers and go out! Doing sports always provides amazing experiences.

Unlimited runners 

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