Monday 20 April 2015


We can define the anaerobic threshold like the moment, during an incremental effort, when the fatigue and continuing difficulty start to increase notably regarding to the time spent before. Once arrived to the anaerobic threshold, the time you’ll spend running is highly reduced. This phase is normally related with number 7 on the scale from 1 to 10.

Here we bring you some methods to develop the lactate threshold:

-For a low level: Fractional training until 40-50 minutes with UAE-UAN intensity.
-For a medium level: medium interval training (3-12 minutes) 30 minutes and resting less than a half of the time spent running each interval.
-For a high level: long interval training (4-15 minutes) from 40 o 60minutes and density from 4 to 7.

Here we also differentiate the correct training for long distances like half marathon. In which case you should train 2-5 bpm under your UAN. Volume between 30 and 60 minutes. Density of 7.

In the next file the Olympic Spanish Committee made a nice job defining the intermittent anaerobic exercise, its physiological foundations and ways to control it. We hope it results as interesting for you as it was for us!


Esteve Lanao J, Cejuela Anta R, Menéndez de Luarca Zumalacarregui J. Entrenamiento de la resistencia en deportes cíclicos. Libro Deportes. 2010. 171 - 193

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