Friday 24 April 2015


Above the VAM zone, the only way to raise the intensity is to increase the anaerobic energy production. We talk about anaerobic power and capacity. This 2 zones are not measurable by VO2 or heart rate, the only usual controller is the lactate production.

Here we difference this two new zones. The anaerobic capacity is the skill to keep up a long time anaerobic effort. This efforts are usually without resting. This is why it’s considerate a glycolytic way to obtain the energy and not by the phosphagen system. Nonetheless, there are times when a mix of this main ways to gain energy are possible (when starting and stopping over and over again).

This zone is not measurable if you have not a pre test where the VAM and the other less intense zones are described. Because the only way to mark the anaerobic capacity is by % of VAM.

During race, anaerobic capacity is needed when the event requires you to increase the pace constantly over the VAM. This means that just until 5k races (as maximum) you may need to develop this on running. It’s specially important on 1,5k races.

In 2009, an article studied the anaerobic reserve on 800m and 1500m with middle level runners. It seems to be a relates a not fast start on 1500m with a better anaerobic reserve and a better result in the competition. Instead of this, running 800m, seems not to be related with anaerobic reserves, but it does with the total oxygen deficit the athlete is capable to endure.

Here I let you the article.

We’ll continue with anaerobic skills next post!


Billat V, Hamard L, Koralsztein JP, Morton DH. Differential modeling of anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in the 800-m and 1,500-m run. J Appl Physiol 2009; 107:478–487.

Esteve Lanao J, Cejuela Anta R, Menéndez de Luarca Zumalacarregui J. Entrenamiento de la resistencia en deportes cíclicos. Libro Deportes. 2010. 171 – 193

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