Thursday 7 May 2015


In previous posts we talked about how to introduce children to the sport. Now, we talk about how to keep them motivated.

As parents, guardians and guides of children, we know that there are differences between adults and children when it comes to keeping them motivated to sport. For smaller, competition is not paramount when participating in a sporting event. Most importantly is to have fun. As it grows, the competitive aspect of sport is becoming more important in some cases. It is very important to take this into account, since the idea is to keep them motivated for that the sport always forms part of their lives, whatever the goal.

A series of advice for keep motivation the children:
  • Meet your goals and objectives:Many times we make the mistake of imposing goals to our children and they end up doing a sport to comply with their parents and not for fun. It is important to know which are the objectives and goals of the child.
  • Be Enthusiastic: smile! Listen to the child and interact with him.
  • Include them in decision, making them take responsibility for their actions.
  • Supports efforts: remind them to always give the best and that, whatever happens, you will always be proud.
  • Share your stories: tell them about your victories but also about your defeats and failures and how you managed to get over and move on.
  • You're a role model. Teach good manners and competitive attitudes that can help both in sport and in everyday life.
  • Use the mistakes as a learning tool:it is important that they know that both in life and in sport, will be difficult moments. Teach them tools to cope.
  • Become a model: If you have experience in the sport, talk about your technical knowledge of the sport.
  • The most important thing is to have fun doing the activity and excitement that always has to do it again.

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