Friday 8 May 2015


Here, there are a few exercises to improve the technique. I hope you serve.

  • Walking on tiptoe. Forward, inside and out.
  • A very short steps, walk on tiptoe, raising the heels. There are three variants: the first with the tip of the foot forward, the second with the tip of the foot out and the third with the tip of the foot inwards.
  • Walking with heels. Forward, inside and out.
  • Lateral career.
  • Arms forward and backward at the same time, coordinated with each jump. Lateral jumps, touching the ankles at the highest point.
  • Short stride raising one knee, then switch.
  • Jumps without hardly bending the knee.
  • Raising one knee alternately in each stride.
  • "Skipping". Pulling arms, with elbows bent.
  • Runing raising the knees without hardly advancing.
  • "Skipping" behind.
  • Throw your upper body forward and run hitting with the heels on the buttocks.
  • "Skipping" forward.

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