Monday 4 May 2015


In this post we talk about performance factors specifically for the internal and external load in the 10K race. Sports man’s internal load factors that are the most important in the 10K are the VO2max, anaerobic threshold and the energy efficiency. We talk about the distance, the time and the actions made when we refer to external load.


Distance: 10.000 meters.

Time spent: it ranges from 26’17’’ (world record) through the indicated time by Scholich according to optimal stride length and frequency (27’30’’), which would be a great result, to the amateur runners (between 30 and 50 minutes average).

Actions made by the runner: The present run is made by foot race, whose technique has some specific features that will be mentioned during next posts.


VO2max: Also influenced by sex and age, this factor stands for the skill that internal systems of any person have to produce the maximum aerobic energy by unit of time. The improvements of this capacity usually are higher if it has been trained during puberty, however his training doesn’t improves significantly with after this ages. The big value of VO2max for this proof comes by the influence that it makes on the running economy, on the anaerobic threshold and on the improvement during effort recovery.

Anaerobic threshold: It’s known like the start point from which an increasing intensity stops making a proportional fatigue according to the exercise performed  and it turns untenable (it can be held between 15 and 60 minutes). Those runners that keep a great anaerobic threshold will be capable to make a higher effort in the final part of the event.

Economy and energetic efficiency: Economy means the relationship between the result of the activity and the output needed to reach the target or to spend the minimum energy at a determined speed. The successful use of the energetic resources is the key to performance a totally worth race.
Performance depends on more factors which we’ll talk about in sooner posts.


Cejuela Anta R, Cortell Tormo JM, Chinchilla Mira JJ, Pérez Turpin JA. Nuevas tendencias en entrenamiento deportivo. Alicante. Editorial Club Universitario, 2010. Cap. 5.

Esteve Lanao J, Cejuela Anta R, Menéndez de Luarca Zumalacarregui J. Entrenamiento de la resistencia en deportes cíclicos. Libro Deportes. 2010. 171 - 193

Gª Manso JM, Navarro F, Legido JC, Vitoria M. La resistencia desde la óptica de las ciencias aplicadas al entrenamiento deportivo. GRADAGYMNOS, 2006. Cap. 2.


  1. You talk about the optimal time according to optimal stride length and frequency, but can you tell me which are these optimal features? Thanks in advance

  2. Great question J.Gene.

    According to Scholich's theoretical values for stride length, frequency and steps numbers for 10K runners, this data would be 1.75 (stride length), 3.46 steps for second (stride frequency) and 5714.2 total steps. Note also that the size of the runner is something to bear in mind.

    I hope I've helped you!
