Saturday 16 May 2015


Hello everyone!
In this eighth publication of the circuit walk of the Marina Alta, we talk about the race at "Pedreguer".

In this edition, the popular race pedreguer regains a resounding success. Continuing with the same path through the Alicante town. The first kilometer after the start of the test, is down. Then again runners pass the 4.5 km target. The second round is more than 5.5 kilometers long and are crossed. Unlike other careers, in this, the last 100 meters are rising, causing more fatigue in participants.

Currently, among men, Jose Manuel Garcia Barragan is the leader in the classification of the circuit with a total of 9791 points. Among women, the first in the rankings is Maria Isabel Ferrer Castell with 9800 points.

For more information, here I leave a link with the general classifications dpor category ..

Also you can see a video presentation of this race.

In the next post we will talk about the next race circuit, which was held in "Ondara".
We see you soon!

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