Thursday 14 May 2015


We continue with the end of the season, when competition is near, and there are lots of athletes that don’t know how to train this period. We’re gonna explain how to taper to reach the most important races with the best fit you can.

The Tapering is the part of the program where training volume is reduced to face the races at the maximum the athlete could do it. It’s normally situated after a very strong training period.
Basic recommendation would be the next:

- Don’t reduce the intensity.
- Reduce, volume but not sessions frequency.
- The best volume reduction is between 40% and 60%.
- Reducing less than 20% there is no improvement in the results.
- Reducing more than 60% is more risky because of wide range of contrasted results.
- Strong sudden reduction is also risky.
- The more progressive is the reduction, the higher is the effect.
- Optimum duration: 2 weeks.
- Rest 2 days before competition, not the day before.

The average of performance improvement is between 3 and 6 per cent. It’s not dependent on sex, proof duration or performance level.
Now here we let you the according tapering to our athlete, related with the previous posts about 10K microcycles.

Main part:
-Strength training 2. 3 sets per exercise 15-17 repetitions at 40%, 50% y 50% respectively.  

-First week with 40% volume reduction: Strength training 2. 9 + 9 +10 at 40%, 50% and 50% respectively.

-Second week with 60% volume reduction: Strength training 2. 2 Sets per exercise 10 repetitions at 50% intensity.

Main part:  
-6x6’  ANT resting 8’ soft run.

-First week with 40% volume reduction: 4x4’ + 5’ ANT resting 7’ soft run.

-Second week with 60% volume reduction: 3x5’ ANT resting 7’ soft run.

Main part:
-Strength circuit 1. 3 sets per exercise of 15-17 repetitions at 40%, 50% y 50% respectively.

-First week with 40% volume reduction: strength circuit 1. 39 + 9 + 10 at 40%, 50% and 50% respectively.

-Second week with 60% volume reduction: strength training 1. 2 Sets per exercise 10 repetitions at 50% intensity.

Main part:
-Running 3km at 3’38’’ (VAM) + 3km at 5’11’’(AET-ANT)+ 3km at 3’38.

-First week with 40% volume reduction: 1800m at 3’38’’ (VAM) + 1800m at 5’11’’ (AET-ANT) + 1800m at 3’38’’ (VAM).

-Second week with 60% volume reduction: 1200m at 3’38’’ (VAM) + 1200m at 5’11’’ (AET-ANT) + 1200m at 3’38’’ (VAM).

Normally, tapering and realization mesocycle match at the same time. This is something to bear in mind when plan is done.

I hope these advice have helped you to increase you knowledge about 10K plans!

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