Sunday 17 May 2015


Hello everyone!

Participate in a night race and then celebrate at a party. It is what is proposed in the [Yo Dona Run The Night By Sanitas] for next May 30 in Madrid. A career for them and for them, with two distances to choose from, 5 and 10 kilometers.

The race is not just for women. Men can also participate. And no matter the level they have both. They should only be brokers and look forward to having fun playing sports with the other participants.

The output is set at 21 h, for both distances. Actually, it is a circuit of 5 kilometers lovers will be given one or two turns, depending on the method chosen. The terrain is mixed; that is, it passes through areas of land tracks, sand or asphalt. And something important: despite the racecourse lighting, there are darker areas and is advisable to use a front to increase visibility.

Once the race is over, the trophies will be awarded. They have established awards to the first three male and female in each of the two races absolute classifieds.

We see you soon!

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