Friday 8 May 2015


Hello everyone!

This is the fourth publication of the circuit walk of the Marina Alta. In this post we will talk about the race in "Gata de Gorgos".

In this town the test was performed with a distance of 10.3 km spread over two rounds: the first of 4.5 km and 5.8 km second. It was a crowded race with over 1,400 participants, of which the first hundred came to finish before the race 40 minutes (38:14).

Turning to the analysis of ratings, the champion was Felix Pont Cháfer with a time of 33 minutes and 28 seconds. The winner of the previous race, Juan Antonio Fernandez Canto, took second place with a time of 34 minutes and 27 seconds. Because these two athletes did not participate in any of the previous races, according to the score of the circuit explained in the first inning, the person occupying first place in the overall standings is Jose Manuel Garcia Barragan, whose results are seguna square in "Xábia" third place "Calp" and third in "Gata de Gorgos", a total of 4195 points

Then I leave the link of the classifications of all categories and general clasificacón.

Moreover, I show a video presentation of this race.

In the next post we will talk about the next race circuit, which was held in "Verger".
We see you soon!

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