Thursday 7 May 2015


The food in the runners is very important. There are a lot of very healthy and recommended food, depending on when ingested, they will be more or less interesting:

So you have to eat to run:
Rice: carbohydrate high glycemic index, easily assimilated, even for runners with gluten intolerance. It is a rich source of amino acids and rich in fiber if consumed in its integral form.
Legumes: carbohydrate low glycemic index, ideal for regulating a low calorie diet for its cost, and contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Do not use in the two days prior to a competition.
Fruits: rich source of vitamins and minerals.
Vegetables: rich source of vitamins and minerals.
Nuts: source rich in essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Oats: carbohydrate low glycemic index and protein of a high biological value.
Blue fish: Protein contains essential omega-3 meat.
White meat: They provide proteins with low-fat.
Dairy: It provides proteins and lactobacilli that help regulate body.
Water: Indispensable. Involved in all chemical reactions in our body. Do not forget that we are two-thirds water.
It is time to retrieve:
The first two hours after the race or training are paramount to recharge the muscle as it is when is more receptive. Especially if they were severe or lasting workouts and of course, if an event or competition. The first 30 minutes is essential to provide carbohydrates in liquid form with recovery type drinks or, if not with sugary juices. Once you've made ​​a first recharge, the first meal would be wise to do it with carbohydrates of high glycemic index and some protein trace.

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