Sunday 10 May 2015


Many runners put aside the diet after realise a competition but this it can be a problem since the energy reserves are scarce. In this post will explain the importance of eating after performing a competition.

When it ends the competition or the training, replacing the lost fluids and take proper nutrition is essential for recovering muscles as quickly as possible.

The food intake should be composed of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help restore the glycogen that we lose during exercise, these are important to help muscle recovery. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.

  • The simple carbohydrates help us to increase our glycogen quickly, for example, energy drinks, energy gels, cookies, nuts, etc.
  • Complex carbohydrates: they help us to increase our glycogen slower and progressive as for example, the paste.
We say eating simple carbohydrates with sugar because it enters in the blood as quickly as possible and it is transformed into glucose. 

Resynthesis of glycogen is higher in the 15-30 minutes after the end of the activity and until the 2 hours, then it decays.
The recommended carbohydrate quantity in solid or liquid fastened  is 1-1.5 g HC / kg.

I hope to serve you, in the next post will it will increase the information.

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