Monday 4 May 2015


In normal life, people use fats normally to carry out every daily activity. First of all, fatty acids from muscle’s triglycerides are oxidated. Once this reserve is depleted, our organism uses the fatty acids in the adipose tissue from all parts of the body. Aerobic activity’s influence over lipids and lipoproteins is different according to the duration and intensity.

In endurance competitions, the possibility to economy to the maximum our energetic resources is a priority aim to optimize the athlete performance.  Fats are then an excellent reserve to provide our body by energy in long distance races.

The muscle is capable to store and use fats during rest time or during the physical activity. Aerobic training makes our muscles able to increase the quantity of triglicerides stored as well as the speed the fatty acids and glycerol are released.

Although fats provide more kilocalories per gram than carbon hydrates, this source requires a higher oxygen demand. This makes this second substrate the more used in aerobic efforts at high intensity. The more adequate intensities for fat losing are between 50-70% of VO2max.

After an intense use of fats during running, the reserves need 1-2 days to be recovered.

Recently some studies have investigated about the Fasted Training. To sum up, low intensity Fast ed Training helps you to lose fats and to get used your body to start using fats long before. It could be recommended for you, no matter your performance level. My advice is to take care with it and to be managed by a professional. Also indications to start Fast Training are: begin with no more than 30 minutes of training and always in low-middle intensity. The night before nutrition is something to bear in mind.

For more detailed information, don’t doubt to contact us!


Gª Manso JM, Navarro F, Legido JC, Vitoria M. La resistencia desde la óptica de las ciencias aplicadas al entrenamiento deportivo. GRADAGYMNOS, 2006. Cap. 2.

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