Thursday 14 May 2015


Doing sports has many benefits for children. However, the rapid period of growth during childhood and adolescence leads to need special nutritional requirements.
Nutrition is very important in the growth and development, injury prevention, and the performance.

Children and adolescents need a total energy intake enough to meet the daily needs of growth and maturation and physical activity.Without adequate energy intake, the child may feel tired, lose weight and stop working properly, both mentally and physically.

Carbohydrates are known as the preferred source of energy in the body during exercise, although this may not be directly applicable in children.It is believed that children can use fat as an energy source during exercise. However, carbohydrates should not be removed from your diet, they can be a good source of fiber and other nutrients.Both children, teenagers and adults can benefit from the intake of carbohydrates during prolonged exercise.

Many foods can normally be high in fat, such as oily fish, meat and dairy products contain a number of vitamins and minerals essential for growth and development.

The protein is important because it provides the essential amino acids necessary for growth tissue, including muscle. In general, physically active people increase their protein intake when they increase their total energy intake.However, physically active children vegetarians or vegans may need additional help to meet their protein needs.

A child physically active has numerous advantages. At the stage of rapid growth and development, it is important that children consume enough quantity of energy and nutrients.
You must motivate your child to carry a good diet before and after to do jogging.

Also we let you here an article presentation about fast food and children made by some California State University students:

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