Sunday 10 May 2015


Hi Runners!

As it's already known, each training is personal, that's why this may be not fit to you. Our runner had his VAM at 3:38, in which zone his HR was 198 bpm.

Below I show you 4 examples of sesions during a load microcycle that our sport man performed two years ago. It belongs to the acumulation mesocycle and we are showing the workouts corresponding to sessions 9, 10, 11 and 12 (all made during the same week). This sessions have different objectives, in which we tried to develop basic strength, technique and endurance according to all performance factors we talked in older posts.

Objective: To improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance.
Warm up:
-10’ Run
-Dynamic stretching
-Joint movility
Main part:
-15’ Running technique
-Fartlek: 8 sets of 4’ ANT: 2’ (soft run)
-15’ Soft run
-Static stretching
The sports man preferred not to perform last set.
Subjective perception:

Objective: To increase muscular and low limb hypertrofy levels.
Warm up:
-10’ Run
-Dynamic stretching
-Joint movility
Main part:
-Strength circuit 1. 3 sets per exercise of 10-12 repetitions (1st set 60% 1 RM, 2nd 70% 1RM and 3rd at 80% 1RM). Resting of 1’30’’ between sets and 3’ between exercises.
- ABD and lumbar circuit.
-15’ Soft run
-Static stretching
If you reach fail repetition, get back to the before repetition load.
Subjective perception:

Objective: To increase muscular hypertrophy and general strength levels.
Warm up:
-10’ Run
-Dynamic stretching
-Joint movility
Main part:
-Strength circuit 2. 3 setsries per exercise of de 10-12 repetitions repetitions (1st set 60% 1 RM, 2nd 70% 1RM and 3rd at 80% 1RM). Resting of 1’30’’ between sets and 3’ between exercises.
-15’ Soft run
-Static stretching
If you reach fail repetition, get back to the before repetition load.
Subjective perception

Objective: To increase aerobic endurance.
Warm up:
-10’ Run
-Dynamic stretching
-Joint movility
Main part:
-12Km AET-ANT.
-ABD and lumbar circuit.
-15’ Soft run
-Static stretching
Heavy sesión for the runner with muscular fatigue acumulates by gym days, but successfully overcame.
Subjective perception:

Also here I let you the links to the circuits above named:

Soon, we'll show other mesocycles sessions with their own objectives and exercises.

I hope this could help you!

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